Suggested Topics
This is a list of topics that would be appropriate for commentaries published in Pediatric Pain Letter. The list is not exhaustive, commentaries on these topics or others will be considered.
If you are interested in submitting a commentary on one of these topics, or in nominating a topic, please e-mail the Editor.
Adherence to treatment
Alternate drug delivery methods
Animal models of pediatric pain syndromes
Attitudes to drugs
Burn pain
Can we deliver pain treatments more inexpensively?
Cancer pain management
Cancer pain prevalence
Changing clinical practice
Children's understanding of pain
Cognitive behavior therapy in children/adolescents
Colic prevalence or treatment
Cultural competence in pain treatment
Dental pain
Do mothers and fathers react differently to pain in children?
Does measurement of pain improve pain management?
Effect of puberty
Effects of NSAIDS in children
Emergency room pain (diagnosis or management)
Epidurals for postoperative pain
Evidence for the effectiveness of child life specialist services in pain management
Fear of pain
Fetal pain
If we know so much, why are children still in pain? (Changing clinical practice)
Individual differences
Injection pain
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Knowledge translation and exchange in pediatric pain
Local or topical analgesic toxicity
Management of major procedures
Measurement in children: behavior, physiology, self report
Medication for postoperative pain
Memory for pain
Menstrual pain (prevalence or management)
Nausea from opioids in children
Neuropathic pain (not RSD)
Pain in cognitively disabled children
Pharmacokinetics of opioids in the neonate
Physiotherapy in chronic pain
Recent topical anesthetics for needle puncture pain: Ametop, Maxilene, iontophoresis, vapocoolant vs EMLA
RSD treatment in children
Safety of NSAIDS
Sexual abuse and pain
Sickle cell pain (treatment)
Sports as a source of pain
Tension headache (prevalence or treatment)
Time frame or temporal factors in young children's understanding of pain
Transition from post-anesthesia care to ward care: can continuity in pain management be provided?